Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Stanford here we come...

So this month we faced the challenge that came from his teacher. At our monthly parent-teacher meeting she told me that she is unable to keep our son challenged in math. In the classroom he is already in a textbook that is two years ahead of his grade level but with the multi-grade classroom his teacher can only spend so much time with him and she feels he isn't getting enough challenge. So after talking it over we did some research and discoverd the Stanford EPGY online school that offers courses for gifted children. If you haven't seen this program, it's a great resource for those kids that just don't get enough academic stuff after being in academia world all day long. I highly recommend looking into the program if your child is itching for more stimulation when they get home at the end of the day. It's not cheap but we are beginning to figure out that you cannot put a price on our child's well-being!

He is now five and the older he gets the more demanding he is becoming for stimulation and constant academic work. I am having a hard time keeping him busy and I am finding these online programs a god-send because he works at his own pace and anytime he wants, which is so important. We are finding weekends are very challenging since there is no school over the weekends and he is not happy just skiing, playing and relaxing. We can now do online school all weekend and keep that brain busy and happy. WOW, I just can't relate to this life - I know as a child I couldn't wait until weekends when I had a chance to just play and be a kid.